Brice Rivera Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Brice Rivera

Brice Rivera is a rising star in the world of social media and entertainment. 14 March 1994 He is best known as the younger brother of Brent Rivera. Brent is a popular YouTuber with millions of subscribers. Brice may not be as famous as his older brother. 30 years (as of 2024) But, he has made a name for himself on social media. Height 5 feet 6  in Brice has a growing TikTok following. Weight 70  in kilograms  We aim to understand this rising social media star better. Keep reading to learn more about Brice Rivera and what the future holds for him in 2024. His net worth $1 million .

Who is Brice Rivera?

Brice Rivera is like a superhero of laughter! He uses his superpowers to make people giggle and grin by sharing videos online. Imagine having a friend who could turn any frown upside down with a funny face or a silly joke – that’s Brice! He’s got a big brother named Brent who also loves to spread joy through videos.

They are like a delightful duo. They dance into the hearts of people everywhere. Brice fills his world with fun by making videos and playing with his pets. He’s not Brent’s brother; he’s a happiness hero in his own right!


  • Full name: Brice Rivera
  • Gender: Male
  • Date of birth: 14 March 1994
  • Age: 28 years (as of 2024)
  • Zodiac sign: Pisces
  • Place of birth: Huntington Beach, California, United States
  • Current residence: Huntington Beach, California, United States
  • Nationality: American
  • Ethnicity: White
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Height in feet: 5′ 6″
  • Height in centimetres: 167
  • Weight in pounds: 154
  • Weight in kilograms: 70
  • Hair colour: Brown
  • Eye colour: Dark brown
  • Relationship status: Single
  • Father: John Rivera
  • Mother: Laura Marie Paternoster
  • Siblings: 3

Real Name Brice Rivera 

Brice Rivera’s real name is actually Brice Rivera! People at home or in school might call you by a name. All Brice’s friends and fans around the world know the name he goes by. It’s a name that shines bright in the world of funny videos and laughter.

Brice Rivera

Imagine if creating something fun made lots of people know your name – that’s what it’s like for Brice. His name, Brice Rivera, is very special like your name is to you and your family.

Brice Rivera Early Life and Education

Brice Rivera grew up in a house filled with love and laughter, a bit like the cozy homes you see in cartoons. When he was a little boy, like you, he went to a school. There, he learned to read stories, solve puzzles, and make art to show at home. Imagine drawing in class.

Then, running out to play tag with friends at recess. That was a part of Brice’s everyday adventure. He liked school because it was a place where he could dream big, make lots of friends, and learn new things every day.

Brice Rivera parents and siblings

Brice Rivera has a family like you! His mom and dad are very important people in his life, giving him big hugs and helping him learn new things. He also has a brother named Brent, who is like his partner in fun. They make videos together and share lots of laughs.

Brice isn’t Brent’s brother; he’s a star in his own funny TikTok world. They’re like a team, spreading smiles and giggles. Imagine playing games and creating cool stuff with your brother or sister. That’s what Brice and Brent do! Plus, Brice loves his family a lot and enjoys spending time with them.

Brice Rivera Wife and girlfriend

Brice Rivera isn’t married, so he doesn’t have a wife. As for a girlfriend, it’s like having a cool friend. You want to hang out with them a lot. Brice might have someone special like that. But, he keeps it a secret,

Brice Rivera

like when you have a secret handshake with your best friend. Like in a book, he doesn’t share all chapters of his personal story with everyone. So, we respect his privacy and enjoy the fun and laughter he brings us through his videos.

Brice Rivera’s age, weight, height, and physical appearance.

Brice Rivera is a young man who looks happy and healthy! He stands tall, like your daddy might,14 March 1994 but we don’t know exactly how tall.  30 years (as of 2024)  Think of him as big as a basketball player you’ve seen on TV.

His weight is right for his height, making him look strong and fit, like someone who can run fast in the park.  Height 5 feet 6  in Brice has a smile that can light up a whole room, making everyone feel happy. Weight 70  in kilograms   His hair and eyes look nice and shine bright when he laughs. Imagine a friend who loves to play and have fun, that’s what Brice looks like!

Brice Rivera’s career

Brice Rivera is great at making funny videos. He started by sharing these videos online for fun. People liked watching them because they made them laugh. So, Brice kept making more videos and more people started to follow him.

He uses a place called TikTok, where lots of people can see what he posts. Brice loves to think of new, silly things to do in his videos. Sometimes, he also works with his brother, Brent, to make even funnier videos. Making videos is a big part of Brice’s job now, and he’s good at it!

Brice Rivera before fame

Before Brice Rivera became famous on the internet, he was like any other kid. He went to school, did his homework, and spent time with his friends and family. Brice loved to play outside, ride his bike, and draw funny pictures.

Sometimes, he would make little videos with his brother, Brent, for fun. He didn’t think that lots of people would see them one day. Even before becoming known on TikTok, Brice always enjoyed making others laugh. He enjoyed sharing his funny jokes and silly faces with his close friends and family. It’s brought smiles to their faces.

Social Media Presence

Brice Rivera is super popular on places like TikTok, where he shares videos. It’s like showing a fun drawing or a cool dance to friends at school, but online! He has many friends on TikTok who love to watch and laugh with him.

Brice Rivera

Brice also uses other fun apps to share bits of his day, like playing with his dog or eating his favorite tacos. It’s like he invites us to tiny parties on our phones! We talk about his TikTok a lot. But, Brice likes to explore and share on other apps too. He makes every day an adventure we can join!

Brice Rivera’s net worth and achievements.

Brice Rivera has done some pretty amazing things that have made lots of people notice him. He’s good at making videos that make people laugh and feel happy. His net worth $1 million . Because he’s so good at this, he’s made some money,

kind of like getting an allowance for doing something well! People think he might have a lot of money, but it’s hard to know exactly how much. Besides making videos, Brice has also won some awards for being so funny and creative. He’s like a superstar at making people smile with his videos!

Brice Rivera: Legacy and Impact

Brice Rivera is doing something cool. He’s not making videos for fun, but he’s also showing everyone how important it is to be happy and make others smile. By sharing his joy and funny moments,

Brice helps people forget their worries for a little while. It’s like he’s spreading sunshine on a cloudy day. His way of being funny and kind might inspire other kids and even grown-ups to do the same. So, in a big way, Brice is helping make the world a nicer place, one laugh at a time. Isn’t that a wonderful thing to do?


Drawing: He enjoys creating pictures of animals or funny cartoons!

Biking: Brice likes to ride his bike. It’s fun and good exercise.

Swimming: He loves to splash and play in the water, especially when it’s hot outside.

Reading: Brice enjoys stories. He can learn new things or go on adventures in his mind!

Playing with Pets: He has a soft spot for animals and loves to spend time playing with them.

Favorite Thing

Tacos: Brice loves eating tacos. He thinks they’re super yummy and could eat them every day.

Video Games: Playing video games is one of his favorite ways to have fun. He enjoys playing different games and having a good time.

Traveling: Brice likes to go on adventures to new places. He loves seeing new things and exploring.

Making People Laugh: He loves to tell jokes and be silly to make his friends and family smile.

Animals: Brice has a big heart for animals. He loves spending time with them and taking care of them.

Interesting Facts About

  • Brice Rivera loves to make videos like his brother, Brent.
  • They both have fun being silly and creative online.
  • He has a big heart for animals.
  • If you watch his videos, you might see him hanging with some furry friends.
  • Brice is a big fan of tacos. Imagine having tacos every day – yum!
  • Even though he’s famous, Brice likes to play video games like other kids.
  • He enjoys traveling and exploring new places.
  • Think of all the cool places you want to visit one day!
  • Brice is good at making people laugh, not on TikTok but in real life too.
  • He once took a cool trip to see the tallest roller coaster. Imagine how fast that must go!


What’s Brice Rivera famous for?

People know Brice. He makes cool videos on TikTok. His brother is very popular on YouTube.

How old is Brice?

We talk about his age in a different part, but he’s not super old!

Does Brice have any brothers or sisters?

Yes, he has a brother named Brent who makes funny videos on YouTube.

What kind of videos does Brice make?

Brice likes to make fun videos that make people laugh.

Is Brice in school?

We mentioned his school life earlier, but yes, he went to school like you!

What does Brice like to do for fun?

Brice enjoys making videos and has other hobbies too, but we talked about those in another spot.


In the end, Brice Rivera is a cool person to know about. He’s famous because his brother is a big deal on YouTube, but Brice is awesome on TikTok. He grew up with his family and went to school like most of us. He likes to share fun videos and has lots of people who enjoy watching them.

Brice also has hobbies and things he loves to do like you and me. Even though he is famous, he is also a regular person with a life full of fun and interesting stuff. It’s neat to learn about him!


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